Hey guys, It’s been quite a while I know, but life got hectic after the new semester began. It has been 3 months into the semester and everything is becoming a a blurr. I want to just sit and watch a series the whole day but unfortunately, cant, because I’m studding for the next CAT. 😦 I have a friend X, (Mwangi :D) who this post absolutely relates to… (edited version of another article)

What 'beauty'sleep does
What ‘beauty’sleep does

These are the activities that most of us (especially in Medical School) can relate to.

The first three months after the start of the semester.

7.00 am: Alarm Rings. Snoozes for the first time; Snoozes again. (He has mastered the phone’s shortcut button to snooze); the next thing that wakes him up

…The sun.

9.30 am: Calls a friend and asks that he/she signs for him. He then rushes to the bathroom – Often finds no water. Debates whether he will go downstairs to fetch water (depending on the weather).

10.00 am: Having breakfast.

10.30 am: In the lecture hall, no lecturer is present.

He immediately regrets leaving his bed; tries to console himself; “At least I’m in class; it’s better than staying in the room.”

Why did I wake up in the first place!
Why did I wake up in the first place!

11.00 am: Decides to go to the library. Signs and takes five minutes to settle down. Five minutes deciding which book to read.

11.15 am: Gets a call that the lecture has arrived. He goes to class.

11.20 am: The lecturer goes through the slides as if they have to take a pee. He could pass for Eminem in a rap contest – in one minute, five slides.

11.25 am: He is called by a friend seated at the back to check how many slides there are for the lecture – 77 slides. Currently, they are in slide no. 9.


12.30 pm: The slides are all covered. His notebook has something the struggles to be legible. He can barely read it. He consoles himself that he will get the slides and go through it, and update the notes.

12.45 pm: Next stop; the bus; he’s forced to be a gentleman (he can’t struggle with a lady for a seat in the bus).

2.00 pm: He’s in the lecture hall for the next lecture. He has just wolfed down four pieces of chapatti, a plate of rice and beans, plus a cup of juice/red bull on a lucky day.

2.05 pm: The lecturer starts the presentation.

2.06 pm: The lecturer is barely visible. Vision is blurry

About to sleep

2.07 pm: Loss of awareness; nodding off.

2.09 pm: He is gone.

3.40 pm: He awakes. The lecture gives the five minute break before continuing with the Power Point presentation.

3.47 pm: Some students ask the lecturer questions. He barely knows what how the question relates to the topic of the day.

3.49 pm: The lecturer replies, “That is a very good question! “

3.50 pm: Confusion.

4.30 pm: He has been struggling to wrap his head around what he has been hearing to from the lecturer and what his immediate neighbour has been writing.

4.40 pm: Struggles and finds the signing sheet and signs for seven other friends.

4.55 pm: He waits outside for the bus to come back, while leading most of the conversations.

5.30 pm: He boards the bus.

6.45 pm: He is dropped by the bus at his hostel. Immediately goes for supper.

7.15 pm: “I’m not planning to sleep today, I must study” He informs me,settling at his study table. He preps for it.

7.30 pm: On his bed – Whatsapp.

8.30 pm: “Janey(that’s me),nisambazie bundles ama cred? I need some.”

8.35 pm: He moves next to the switch and charges the phone as he chats.

8.40 pm: Takes the study seat, in an effort to read. “Janey, where’s my pen? I urgently need it. ” Next to him is his pen and phone. Three textbooks are on the table. All of them are open. He still continues to chat.

9.40 pm: Battery 50%.

9.45 pm: Jumps to his bed.

10.00 pm: “Janey, niamshe matimes zetu”. ‘Matimez zetu’ implies that I should wake him up at around 12 at night.

12.00 am: I prod him to wake up. “Wake up. I’m going to bed”. His reply, “Mzzmunyummwwyuiiii”. He switches to the other side of the bed.

Need to catch some sleep
Need to catch some sleep

The cycle continues.

He’s up again at 9.30, maybe 8.00 am on a good day.

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