Want to Get Unstuck?

Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?
― L.M. Montgomery

The sun rises the same each day. But never at the same time. Innovation and seeking ventures is the highlight of each entrepreneur. And their psychology is beyond the discussion here.

However, we would like to argue that everyone can be an entrepreneur without starting a business. Well, not really an entrepreneur in the strictest form, but rather in its risk management docket. It might seem farfetched but happier people are more likely better at risk management.

unstuckIt is quite remarkable to think that happier people are those that choose, on a daily basis, to take on new activities. To rise differently.

Even though, I write all this I can’t be self-righteous and suggest that I do new activities each day. That I’m adventurous on a daily basis. I actually struggle with trying new things. Unfortunately, it is hard wired in my brain and stuff.

Moreover, studies have shown that our fear of new things is based on our need to distant ourselves from failure in whichever respect. Through history, all the new revolutionary ideas were embraced by generations that followed; for example, we can consider Galileo. We mentioned this in our jazz post that it is a trend to adopt the old and make it new.

So how can we try out new things with a new positive face? (I should have posted on a Monday)

1. Where am I?

A car has a handbrake that lets the car roll downhill if you release it. Similarly, habits have a particular trigger that sends us all on a behaviour.

So it’s up to us to identify the triggers to our habitual activities.

When do you drink excessively? After a long week at the office? After a big fight with the SO? Or with a particular group of buddies?

Same applies to habits of some benefit. We can develop patterns that give up space to develop ourselves. So when can I work out? After a long day at the office? Before? Or like me knew my brother comes from school?

This triggers remind you that something is to happen. But what about positive behaviour?

2. A cookie for a glass of water

It is 12 a.m. I should probably be a sleep. Allowing for my body to rejuvenate itself (I love this process, but not this venue). However, I’m awake staring at the large yoghurt pack and packet of Oreos. Yoghurt is healthy right? I’m hungry, right? No, not really. I have spent a lot of my time avoiding simple sugars from ice-creams, chocolate and pancakes… I’ve avoided this for weeks now.

I will not describe the embarrassment on my face after the clearing the oreos packets.

Well this is just how it happens. I strained my willpower. Unfortunately, my willpower ran out. And this happens naturally. Our willpower is like the fuel in your car. At some point it gets depleted.

So to milk as much from our willpower one has to realise that it does not hurt to take an Oreo per day, I recommend it. Actually, just like we cannot begin eating solid food immediately our first teeth appear. We have a weaning process. This allows us to get accustomed to the new environment.

So small rewards don’t hurt the process they accelerate it. So as I write this I am enjoying my glass of water than my box of cookies…

3. Train the O’ willpower

The army spends a lot of time training the cadets on the value of self-discipline. Training involves sacrifice.

This can be done easily by organising your goal in small operational objectives.

Imagine you have the goal to lose weight. Being specific 10kgs in 2 months. It cannot be done if the thought is 5kgs in the next month. Break it down to getting the workouts done before the end of the day.

Walk 10 minutes each day. Soon it will be 20 minutes at the end of the month you will be running for half an hour… Soon that weight will be shying off… 🙂

4. Repeat. Repeat? Was that the order?

Practice makes perfect. It takes 40 hours to gain a new skill. It can only come with time and repetition.

The degree of automaticity will increase exponentially with time.

No one can be a rally driver on the first go…

The sun rises the same each day. But never at the same time. So should you. You should rise with new ambitions every day with the same objectives. Anyway let us know what you think…

Much Love,

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