What is true philanthropy?

So everyone wishes to be on another person’s good books but it is human nature to err. Human nature cannot be always changed but can be assuaged to pursue a different direction, for the better that is so that cohabiting in this world is made easier. We probably usually see a begger on the street and wish to help although we don’t always know the best way to help.

“Do I give him the coin in my purse?” “Do i just walk away and hope some other good Samaritan will know what is to be done for him?”

The man or woman sitting at that corner of the street, looking up at you with those eyes brimming with tears of sorrow, raising that dejected hand that looks like it would fall of the joints holding it in place,probably holding a baby who looks so skinny and miserable… waiting for you to drop a coin or better yet a note into their cup and their eyes light up when you do as they seriously hope your conscience will persuade you to.

As you walk off, you probably cannot get the picture of the scene you just left out of your mind, it may be like a nagging wife, constantly pricking your conscience,giving you sleepless nights, making your mind go crazy as torrents of thoughts cascade through it…..

Not every needy person will be the one sitting miserably at the corner of the street. The fact that you help the poor guy you met at the street doesn’t always prove you are generous. You probably just dished out the coins you had because society was watching, a friend you didn’t want to think you are mean was around or just because it was an impulse. All in all, what I mean is that generosity is a virtue we should all embrace from within our hearts, inculcate into our persona,be ready to give even when you are not getting anything in return so long as you help that one person improve his or her life. The joy of helping and seeing your neighbor happy is incredible.

There are so many ways to help, one has to decide which he or she can manage. One can join foundations, volunteer in the society, provide information relevant for health promotion such as in the Meningitis Research Foundation. Let us all join hands in making the world a better place for all.

Join us in raising money to enable the YMAP foundation pay school fees for medical students who have difficulty pursuing and completing their medical school education due to lack of or insufficient fees. Event is scheduled for the 10th of April, 2015 at the University of Nairobi, Chiromo campus from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.



‘A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’

John 13:34-35 (NIV)

My sister read this article to me that completely made sense so I thought I would share it. It concerns something called the “Jesus project”. Basic principle of it is, not everyone in life will be ‘your kind of person’.  But, it doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be shown love and treated with respect.

A Jesus project is someone who may get on your nerves, someone who may offend you or someone whom you really wouldn’t choose to spend time with because you’re just complete opposites.

I call them Jesus projects because I believe that God has placed certain people in our lives to challenge us and to make us better people. I don’t know about you but I know that at some point in my life I’ve done something that God wouldn’t approve of; I’ve offended God and I’ve been quite an annoying person to be associated with. And yet, with that being said, he still loves me unconditionally and wants to see me do well.

Wouldn’t it be great if we had the same attitude towards people whom we just don’t get on with, whom we struggle to connect with or who just plain irritate us? It could be that person with the slightly weird sense of humor or that person in your life who always seems to push your buttons.

TC 2

Why don’t you invite them for lunch, to the cinema or to church and practice being a little more like Jesus in their company?

Step out of your comfort zone and choose to see the best in people because Jesus chooses to see the best in us. In my personal experience I’ve found that the more I focus on the positive characteristics of a person, the less the negative characteristics become.

So point is, It’s great to have a core circle of friends, but it’s probably even better to open it up to include others. Who knows? You might end up with an Antigua-speaking, acrobat artist with a special fondness for rich tea biscuits in your friendship group…!

TC 1

13 People In Every Matatu (Minibus)

Matatus are the most common method of transport in Kenya. Within the matatus there is also a trend in terms of people…

+1 The Complainer

I enter the mat at tired. The day has had me. All I want to do is get home and binge on the latest series of House of Cards. Then they happen…

They seem to comment on every turn the driver is making. How hot it is in the matatu. And shouts over the music of how she knows her ears are now punctured.

When it comes to alighting they remind everyone of how they have been “pitishwad” stage (the minibus has dropped farther than expected).

+2 The Non-payer

You entered with them. They sit conveniently behind the conductor. Silent and busy observing the dusty roads of Nairobi.

Suddenly the conductor, starts poking every one in front of him for the 30/- they deserve. In their nonchalant manner they go unnoticed.

You give your 30/- wondering whether the conductor will also ask them. Upon arrival to his stage, they bravely demand that they be dropped. And from there he is free…

+3 The No Loose Money Guy

They give 1000/- expecting 970/-. The conductor must walk in traffic on the highway to ask for change…

They will definitely get it. But you still wondering why give a crisp note for dirty sweat ridden notes…

+4 The one on the phone

“Yes send him 100k… the rest is to smooth things over!”

In just one phone call I know about your girlfriend, wedding plans, break ups, investments and religion. I don’t know why I listened…

+5 The Hot One

Yes, the one that should be driven to and from work. The one you wondered what she does with her life apart from being gorgeous 24/7…

You might try to get in a word or two… but that’s all it will ever be. A matatu crush… 😀

+6 The Worker

They have a brown envelope filled with office documents. They feel this is the apt time to show your business name, board of trustees’ contacts and sign documents on a shaky under-serviced vehicle.

They are so busy they forget to claim their balance from the conductor… probably paying for +3

+7 The Texter

The whole mat knows you are texting. The whistle notification sounds make it every obvious. You can’t stop giggling can you? Can’t resist flashing your OLED display?

Sometimes I fall in this category. Hehe! Why am I lying… no one remembers me. #jk (This is the vaguest sentence you will ever read).

+8 The Couples

This is the most awkward. Two young couples decided to join me on the backseat. I’m already irritated by +1… now these two feel compelled to showcase their love. As well as discuss their relationship.

To get my mind off what they are doing. I focus my energies on +6…

Via http://aerialarmadillo.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html
Via http://aerialarmadillo.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html

+9 The Procurer

“Could you search for me my seat belt?”

Without notice, they have invaded your private space and claimed a few of your valuables. They then alight on the next stop having earned a free phone on a lazy day.

+10 The Marketer

They will sell you their business within the 15 minute ride. You are very tempted to invest and buy. But you just met the guy. So you ask for the card and promise to call when you can.

+11 The Sleeper

The Ongata Rongai fellows know what am talking about. These guys don’t even make an effort to be wake. Once they have paid that is it… they are off. They request to be woken up when the matatu reaches the last stage.

+12 The Conductor

They forgot to collect +3 fare. Probably because they have been ogling at +6 the whole ride. And has deliberately forgotten to return +7’s money.

Poking their head out, They scan for new passengers and police officers. They seem to be enjoying the music more than anyone else on the matatu. And what is that they are chewing?

+13 The driver

Is it me or did the traffic rules change today? Didn’t you see the oncoming car? Who are you racing? And why do you keep jacking the car?

They are very relaxed and constantly begging for a way in… in a 3 way traffic on a one lane road. In traffic, the newspaper serves as their entertainment, as he jokes with the conductor in vernacular.

Much Love,

5 Ways To Make Sure You Have Victories Each Day

unstuckWe have gotten ourselves out the rut and gotten things rolling. Life is moving forward. In this busy world we live in we need to come up with easier ways on how to deal with monotony… how do you prevent yourself from getting back to another routine?

We’re going to share with you what I believe has worked for me this far.

+1 Be extremely ambitious

Very obvious it seems but not really. We need to find something that challenges us. Something that requires you to set goals. “Unrealistic goals” they call them.

I need to be able to read ‘A Feast for Crows‘ by the end of the week. As an example.

Why? How can you came up with innovative ideas if your goals remain constant?

+2 Make a list of interesting things you can do

There is a lot happening. Your boss, friend and family want a slice of your 24 hours. Remember those are your 24 hours. So make a funny list of what you would want to accomplish for yourself. Not necessarily changing your life; but putting a smile on your face…

This list made me smile…

+3 Support a charity or join a business

The reason anything exists is to solve a problem. This has lead to many innovations like the air plane to solve traveling issues.

The sooner you join a cause the faster ideas to improve or solve the problem arise.

+4 Do a pilot

We do not encourage risky behaviour without a safety net. For some it works out. But for most people unproven solutions don’t work out so well…

So try it out. Adjust and move on. You’ll find the best mix. And the mix will work for you.

+5 Ignore the hater

There will always be people that do not understand. If they are not offering constructive criticism don’t listen.

When they complain. Ask them to offer an alternative and listen for their answers… 🙂

Much love,

Body Shaming

So many people are so sensitive about their weight. Gaining weight is probably one of the scariest things for most people, including me. That fear makes people go to extreme lengths to cut weight or regularly work out to lose whatever weight they gain. Not all people will manage to reach their target when they begin their weight loss journey.

Although we all want to have the perfect body shape, which most ladies feel is the model figure, we can’t all achieve that. Most people are plus size and proud about it. It is true that most if not all people, consciously or unconsciously criticize plus size people. It is mean to say negative things about people’s body size, mock them or even go to the extent of publicly humiliating them.

Recently the big story on social media was about this guy named Sean who was publicly humiliated by an unknown person who took a photo of him dancing at a party and tweeted:
bd “Spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week. He stopped when he saw us laughing”

That was definitely so mean. What makes me happy is that so many people including celebrities stood up for him, rebuking the man who posted the picture of Sean and tweeted about him calling him a specimen. Every person is a wonderful creature and no one has the right to call another a ‘specimen’ just because he/she is plus size.

bdeI do pity the guy who mocked Sean because all things said and done, Sean got the last laugh. Cassandra Fairbanks and over 1000 of her friends invited Sean to a dance party in Los Angeles. The party turned out to be one of the largest dance parties in the world as so many celebrities attended it to share the day with Sean as a way to stop body shaming.

In Kenya, programs such as Slim Possible have been created to aid overweight individuals to cut down their weight. Such initiatives prove that weight is just but a number, it can be lost and gained at any time and one can be in charge of her/his body. I’m a religious follower of Slim Possible as it inspires me a lot and makes me appreciate myself more. All of us should appreciate ourselves, take charge of ourselves and make proper decisions about our bodies.

Being chic and stylish is possible for all body sizes too no wonder designers like Michael Kors use models of all ages and sizes. Ladies and gentlemen don’t be embarrassed or put off because of your body shape and size, embrace it and be proud of it and do not let what people say about your body be your focus, naah, stand up for yourself and show them that you are a belle or a beau no matter what they say. Ladies emulate women like Kelly Clarkson, she ain’t scared to flaunt those new curves and added pounds stylishly though everyone thinks she should lose some weight.




For more check out All In Trends 🙂

A Culture Of Lies (Episode 2: The Exam)

10:00 a.m. This is it. This is the final exam. Turn over the paper. There it is… the topic you assumed will never come.

that-awkward-moment-during-a-testWhat is this creature? I turn to my right. Everyone is busy writing. It’s 2 hours in and I think I’ve reached the limit of knowledge. People seem to know more… my desk mate has written 3 pages on his essay paper. I’ve 30 minutes. But how do I describe urination for 30 marks? That’s when the warm feeling comes. The sudden drop of sweat from your armpit. You correlate this to men in black repossessing your big house by the lake. Being on the no-loan list. Losing your first wife…

“What is the answer to no.4?” my train of thoughts disrupted. I stare at the guy… like how am I supposed to know? I also need some divine intervention now. I ignore him. And keep on writing my exam.

Papers are being slid on the exam floor. Phones are being pouched. Scrolling on the tablets. Everyone has to go to the bathroom… but still my desk mate writes. Is he the only not struggling here?

“Give me my phone back!” I thought it was me. So I avoiding looking back. “Give me my phone back!” Ok. He is definitely talking to me, right? I turn back. No one is looking at me. So I look forward and there he was. The invigilator, who obviously had nothing better to do than scare me every 10 seconds of how half an hour has passed, looks my way. And we made eye contact.

He walks closer. This is it. I’m done. Now I’m going to be framed for cheating. My passion down the drain, even tears start to materialise… I try to break eye contact by “focusing” on my paper. But his eyes are glue. I keep looking up and he is still looking at me. I look down again… I’ve only written a paragraph. This essay is going nowhere.

Then he gets closer to my desk. And hesitates. I’m already imagining the disappointment on my parents face.

“You and you!” he points behind me. The rest was like a blur of “Please please”. Next thing I hear is: “You have 5 more minutes!” All at once, inspiration came and an essay was produced.

It is a mystery why people cheat… and we will talk about it more this week.

Much Love,

A Culture Of Lies (Episode 1: I’m On My Way)

If fairy tales still did exist and so our noses grew longer every time we told a lie, I’m pretty sure most of us would put Pinocchio to shame in the lying game.

Today, I was decided to help my little cousin do her homework as a kind gesture but she gets bored so fast so we decided to take a break every few minutes. After a while, she threw in the towel and exclaimed that there was no use to finish it as she could fabricate a story to tell the teacher as to why she could not do the homework. Amused, I asked her an example of such a “story” and she simply said:

“I did it for hours but couldn’t understand anything, so I thought it would be best you teach me first or I lost it on my way to school” And just to think back in my days we struggled with ridiculous excuses like the dog ate my homework 😀 The innocence she said it with would have had me fooled as well if I was the teacher.

WillyWe learn how to lie our way through taxing situations from childhood to avoid the discomfort of having to answer to questions. (Though apparently lying in a child sometimes shows high IQ <not to mean you let your child get away with lying>).

Then it graduates to ridiculous lies like lying to your boss that you have taken leave to attend a relative’s burial only for the said, dead relative to arrive in the office a week later frantically looking for you. Or the famous matatu (minibus) lies of where you happen if you are late for something.

Today, I boarded a matatu and sat next to a young man. No sooner had we began the journey than he received a call from a lady and he suddenly became so apologetic promising he would arrive at their meeting venue in a few minutes as he was already at Prestige (while in reality we had just left town) and if she would wait for him just a bit longer, he would cater for their lunch. He travelled the rest of the journey so uptight and kept texting her to reassure her he was just a few minutes away. But when he arrived at his alighting stage, a lady stood up from the back of the matatu before he stood. “Faith!!” he called out shocked, “I thought you said you had already arrived and were waiting for me?” She seemed dumbfounded for a minute before retorting, “I thought you said you were at Prestige when the matatu was in town”. They were both so embarrassed. The whole matatu burst out laughing. But really, we all do this. We lie about where we are most times we are late.

I need to stop using my excuse of “I’m on University way, give me 5 minutes”…

Much love,

Thoughts of a Manchester United fan

*Disclaimer: This article is unsuitable for humans who do not understand soccer. 😛 *

It has been a long 19 months. Very long. Since that 8th day of May 2013 when Sir Alex made the announcement, everyone knew things were bound to change. For the better or worse, no one could say for sure. Talk of Mourinho succeeding him abounded, but such thoughts were quickly put to rest when Chelsea swooped him up a few days later.

Then it was announced that Fergie had handpicked David Moyes as his successor. (What?!) A manager with undeniable Premier League (survival) experience, yet had no single trophy to show for his 11 years in charge at Everton. Why would Fergie do this? The only answer that made sense was because they’re both Scots. Still, he deserved a chance, didn’t he?

What followed was the absolute worst season since anyone could remember. A year to forget for all Red Devils. Game after game, fans and haters alike were left aghast by his tactics. He broke records. Records no Manchester United manager had any business breaking.

Moyes failed miserably at succeeding Sir Alex
Moyes failed miserably at succeeding Sir Alex

When the Glazers finally pulled the plug, everyone cheered. Giggs took over, but he couldn’t rescue us from the deep number 7 pit Moyes had left us. Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham, even Everton crossed the line ahead of us. It was amazing, to say the least.

World Cup euphoria soon took over. Die Mannschaft (Germany, for the soccer challenged) lifted the trophy. At least the team I rooted for took top honors. At least I forgot about Manchester United and Moyes for a while. Meanwhile, Louis van Gaal, the manager taking over at Old Trafford, rocketed into near superstardom when he made an unprecedented 120th minute goalkeeping sub in the quarters against Costa Rica. It paid off. The Dutch eventually ended up third, while they could have as well won the tournament. Van Gaal was declared a football genius. Consecutive 3-1 victories against Real Madrid and Liverpool boosted his credentials further. Finally, Man U fans could cheer again. Finally we would rise again.

Season starts. Man U hosts Swansea at the Theatre of Dreams for the first game of the season. Even Chelsea fans bet big money on a comfortable afternoon for United. 90 minutes later everyone was left shocked. 1-2, read the scoreline. LvG’s 3-5-2 had failed miserably against a midtable team with a rookie manager in Garry Monk. What would happen against Chelsea? Man City? Something had to be done quickly. And something was done. 200 million Euros were splashed. 6 new Red Devils, for insane amounts of money. Yet none was the exact answer needed. All 6 have failed to fulfill expectations, with only Daley Blind and Marcos Rojo being able to nail down regular starting berths.

LvG has been stubborn, yet stubbornly inconsistent. He continued to stick with his beloved 3 at the back, even when it had become abundantly clear that it would not work, not for this squad. He even tried to sneak it through the back door in the second half of matches. When Big Sam made fun of his long-ball tactics, he decided to make that his main game plan: play long balls to a player whose only ability seems to be maintaining his wig. Falcao, who famously destroyed Chelsea with a first-half hat trick, is at the club. I, like many other football enthusiasts, believe he still has the potential to be the best striker in the Premier League, the man to take us back into the Champions’ League. Yet his manager is content with playing Fellaini as a striker and leave him on the bench. Januzaj has proven that after a debut season any teenage footballer would wish for, it’s gone to his small head. He has evolved into a selfish footballer, trying to prove to us and himself that he can emulate Cristiano Ronaldo, but all he has ended up doing is wasting chance after chance. Yet van Gaal still trusts him with games. Let me not even talk about last week’s loss to Arsenal, the first time at Old Trafford since 2006. It’s too painful. So many times I have wished I could fly up there and slap some sense into LvG.

Louis van Gaal frustrated during the 5-3 loss at Leicester earlier in the season.
Louis van Gaal frustrated during the 5-3 loss at Leicester earlier in the season.

It is said that over the last 18 matches, only Chelsea have taken as many points as United. No team has scored more than 2 goals against De Gea all season, save for that freak 4-0 drubbing at MK Dons. Yet, for all this good run, United are going to end this season trophyless. Dumped out of the FA Cup by Arsenal, the Capital One Cup in Chelsea’s cabinet, and needing no small miracle to have a chance at the league, van Gaal is destined to end his first year in charge with nothing but excuses.

In fact, it is my firm belief that were it not for the constant heroic efforts of David de Gea, we would be battling relegation. His performances against Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal, Everton, Liverpool, West Ham, practically almost every single team he’s played against, have spared Man U’s blushes. Rooney has been played in virtually every position except defense and keeper. He has never complained; he’s constantly and consistently put in good performances. He’s even the joint top scorer with van Persie among United players. Di Maria has also suffered from the inconsistencies of his manager, being played in positions he is not comfortable in, in his first season in an underperforming team and in arguably the toughest league in the world. His status as the country’s record-fee signing, settling problems (like having to live in a hotel due to a burglary) and the sparkling performances of his fellow summer signings from La Liga, Alexis Sanchez, Cesc Fábregas and Diego Costa have not helped his confidence or peace of mind. Yet he has the most assists of any Red Devil by far.

Starting today, Louis van Gaal faces probably the toughest run of matches of his career. Man U welcome Spurs to Old Trafford, with Harry Kane, who has left keeper after keeper after keeper on the seats of their pants with his superb goalscoring ability, and Christian Eriksen, who is as good a playmaker as I have seen. Even if we scrape through that, Anfield is next, to face a Liverpool team who have not lost a Premier League game since December. Then Aston Villa. A few weeks ago that looked like the saving grace of this run of fixtures, but after Tim Sherwood inspired them to push 4 goals in 45 minutes past Sunderland, at the Stadium of Light no less, I am not so sure. Then the Stamford Bridge, to meet the champions-elect, then the Manchester Derby at home, then Everton. If LvG gets us through next month on the right side of the Champions’ League line, he deserves to keep the job. Otherwise…

Today, like all Man U fans, I’ll be watching today’s game, albeit with one eye shut in fear. Fear of what could happen today. Fear that we could end up the laughing stock once more. My fingers couldn’t be crossed any tighter. I just hope that we were all wrong, that it was just bad luck, and that Louis van Gaal is an actual football genius.